Medical illustration portfolio [NEW]

Research | Medical Education | Patient & public information | Public Engagement

I'm Dr Ciléin Kearns, a Medical Illustrator passionate about making medicine more accessible with my art. I draw from a background as a physician, creative director, and researcher to inform my designs, and publish and present in this space. To enquire about commissioning art, use the contact form or email


Selected illustrations for medical research publications.

Surgical Art

Complex processes can become easier-to-digest by breaking them down into a series of steps. ‘Surgical sequences’ are often used to explain operative techniques. Illustrations can have the advantages of isolating and accentuating the important structures, expanding the view, shining through obstructing anatomy, and hiding distracting detail like blood. A several hour-procedure, or years of change with healing or disease progression can be shown over a handful of illustrations.


A lot of medicine is presented in walls of text and bullet points, but humans are visual creatures. Setting pathology in its anatomical and human context can help communicate it more tangibly to medics and patients.

Above: Medical illustrations for a series of publications on rare diseases for RadioGraphics. My goal has been to help tie together the different imaging modalities (CT / surgical photo & video / macroscopic specimen photography and histology), which each have their difficulties in interpretation, in a clear memorable way.

Progression of a provoked deep vein thrombosis to a pulmonary embolism. Medical illustration by Dr Ciléin Kearns

Endosalpingiosis: medical illustration by Dr Ciléin Kearns

Commission medical art

If you would like to commission medical art for a project, please use the contact form to get in touch, or email with details about what you are looking for.

Some of the wonderful teams I've worked with: