Sharing policy
As a creator, my ability to keep making art is dependent on people being able to find who made it, and the original source/context. Re-uploading and editing content without permission or a license infringes copyright, and sharing without credit can be damaging, unprofessional, and stop creators from making more of the art you enjoy. Ideally, share links to the original content rather than re-uploading, and always credit the source.
My policy for sharing:
Personal use
If you want to share limited content to a personal social media account, which is not associated with any for-profit activity, that is okay if credited as follows:
At the start of the description/caption, credit with “Medical Illustration by Dr Ciléin Kearns (Artibiotics)”, and provide a link to my website or account on that platform. You must not edit the image in any way (do not filter, crop, add or remove text, etc).
Business use
If you want to share any content on a business account, promote/advertise services, publish in any format (e.g. research, apps, books, news), edit in any way, or have any for-profit activity associated with the account/site/platform, then you must get in touch for permission / licensing.
If you wish to use in teaching resources and the students have to pay to attend (e.g. University, online courses) then this counts as a business use and the art must be licensed.
If you see my art stolen
You can help by calling it out, tagging my account, and commenting with the credit: “Medical Illustration by Dr Ciléin Kearns (Artibiotics)”. Thanks for the support!