

Atheroma is the build-up of fatty deposits in the walls of arteries. These 'plaques' narrow the blood vessels and restrict blood flow. When this happens in the heart it can cause angina; chest pains on exertion as not enough oxygenated blood can reach the heart muscle to meet the demands of exercise.

atheroma p1 p2 by dr cilein kearns artibiotics v02.jpg

If the plaques crack, they can release their fatty materials and trigger a clot (thrombus) to form which can block the vessel entirely.⁠ This one cause of a heart attack, which in medical-speak is known as a myocardial (heart muscle) infarction (obstructed blood flow resulting in tissue damage or death).

atheroma p3 p4 by dr cilein kearns artibiotics v02.jpg

And here is the whole set in a line; notice fewer red blood cells making it through each segment as the condition progresses.

That's it for this one, thank you for supporting my art exploring health, disease, and care!