Judging bikers by their book covers

Another one based on real experience.

I got this dad all wrong on first meet.. Totally was not expecting his enthusiasm, or the cute, fantastic relationship he had with his daughter. He got so into the book his kid didn’t notice a thing, enjoying all the silly voices he put on. The was the smoothest blood-taking I’ve ever seen with a child.

A few days earlier I had the opposite experience where two parents flipped out, verbally and physically displaying their anxiety during their child’s venepuncture. They declined to leave the room, and the kid mirrored their fear, making the experience quite unpleasant for all involved. This sort of negative impression can contribute to phobias and healthcare avoidance in later life. Kids look to their parents to understand how they should react to an unfamiliar situation, so we all need to be careful what we are teaching!

But back to my main point: don't judge books by their covers - instead be like me and judge a biker by a book!